OneGreatFamily Blog

  • How To Date Old Family Photographs

    Basic Techniques Of Dating Pictures

    Great-Grandma's family collection of antique pictures can be a treasure trove for you, the genealogy researcher, especially if you can establish when an antique picture was taken.

    Dating a photograph can help you identify the subject(s) (in early photography the subjects were referred to as sitters) and can provide additional information as you piece together your family tree.

    There are some basic techniques to begin the process of dating an antique picture:

    What is the print made of? Is the image printed on metal, glass, card stock, or paper? Daguerreotype (early tintypes) and ambrotypes (printed on glass) were often mounted in double wooden frames that opened like a book. These were the most common types of early photographs and date back to around 1839. By 1870, almost all antique pictures were printed on heavy paper or card stock. The heavier stock was much more common in early photographs; by the 1930s even studio portraits were printed on thin paper.

    Is the antique picture printed in black and white or color? Some images were being hand-tinted as early as the 1850s. Although color still photography was introduced in 1906, it was an expensive process that only professionals could afford to use. Color antique pictures did not become common for home use until the late 1950's and early 1960's.

    How are the people in the photograph posed? Very early antique pictures showed people in rigid poses and usually without smiles, partly because exposure times could be as long as twenty seconds. Many portrait photographers even used braces to help sitters stay in position during the process. Candid pictures and then snapshots became more common in the 1920s.

    How are the sitters dressed? The straight tunic dresses and bobbed hair of the 1920's are easy to distinguish from the cinched waists and luxuriant chignons of the late 1890's.

    What other objects are visible in the antique picture? A Model T car is absolute proof that the picture was not taken before 1908. Furniture, toys, brands names, logos - all these things can provide clues, and thus, invaluable assistance in identifying previously unidentified photographs.

    Additional information on dating family antique pictures is available from this list of links.
    Tracing a family resemblance through the generations with antique pictures can give you a warm sense of connection to your family's past.

    Store your pictures and other media in OneGreatFamily - it's a safe place to keep your treasures (see next article for instructions on how to add photos to your OneGreatFamily tree).

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  • Collaborate At OneGreatFamily

    As genealogists we often question the source of information about a particular ancestor, the reliability of the information, and whether the submitter is a distant relative-questions that can be resolved by communicating directly with the submitter.

    OneGreatFamily has designed a feature so you can contact other OneGreatFamily members and communicate with them about records and other genealogical related information.

    As you bring up the edit box for a particular ancestor you will see an icon in the bottom left hand corner of the edit box that says "collaborate," click on this:

    You will then see a list of the groups that have this record on their tree. Click on one of the groups listed and then the username listed below the group. You will see the group owners name and email address listed in the space provided.

    Here is a link to a brief video about this topic:

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  • Are There Thousands Of Ancestors Hiding In Your OneGreatFamily Tree?

    Do you know how many ancestors are really in your family tree at OneGreatFamily?

    Many of you may have noticed this on your Genealogy Browser toolbar but never really understood what it can show you:

    Number of Generations Display on the Toolbar

    You will notice this drop down menu in the toolbar section at the top of Genealogy Browser. This convenient menu lets you quickly and easily set the number of generations to be displayed in the Starfield area.

    Many users have never changed this setting and so have never actually seen everything that OneGreatFamily has found for them. If you have never changed this setting, we strongly encourage you to play around with it. You can select a value off the drop down menu or just enter a value into the box. If you are on a high-speed internet connection, we would suggest you try starting with at least 50 generations. Dial-up users might want to start with 20 generations.

    Remember, the higher the number, the longer it may take to load your pedigree. Still, you could be surprised to see how much OneGreatFamily has added to your family tree, and it will be worth the wait!

    Everyone can see the size and shape of their family tree on OneGreatFamily; however, only subscribers will be able to see the names of the ancestors found by OneGreatFamily's matching and merging process.

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  • Spend Some Time Getting To Know Your Ancestors

    This Holiday season, as you spend more time inside and more time with your family, we hope you take time to enjoy and catch up on your family history.

    Why do we all feel drawn to our ancestors? We love learning about them because the stories of our ancestors are the stories of us. We are descended from them. We share their genetics, and, in some cases, their surnames. Our ancestors, even the ones we have never met, have shaped our lives. Our values, beliefs, traditions, and habits have been passed down from them to us. Who we are is in many ways influenced by our ancestors.

    It is important to know our ancestors--not just to list their names on a pedigree chart, but to learn stories about them and to get to know them. Knowing our ancestors helps us to better understand ourselves. Our ancestors did remarkable things. Maybe your ancestor was an emigrant who had the courage to leave his home country to make a better life. Maybe your ancestor was a pioneer woman who raised many children, and lost many to childhood disease. Maybe they managed to keep their family together against the odds of the Great Depression. Maybe your family endured war. Learning about our ancestors' accomplishments makes us grateful for their sacrifices and can help us have the fortitude that we need to make it through difficult times.

    Remember the importance of learning about all your ancestors. Some people think that the most exciting part of genealogy is tracing theirs back to as many famous, prominent, and powerful people as they can. They don't know what they're missing! Our so-called "ordinary" ancestors have done things that are just as important, and we can learn from them just as much as our well-known ancestors.

    Take some time in your spare moments to look at your family tree, to learn more about your ancestors, and to reflect on them. Give it as a gift to yourself. You'll be glad that you did!

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  • Great Gift Idea - Gift Subscription to OneGreatFamily

    This holiday season, give your loved ones the precious gift of learning more about themselves - by finding out more about their family history. A gift subscription to OneGreatFamily could be the most meaningful present you'll ever give anyone.

    What better gift to give this Holiday Season than the gift of genealogy?

    But what exactly could that gift be? Of course, you could print out a nice family tree or create a special tribute book. These would be cherished by family members. But as someone who does genealogy, you know that the true gift is to get involved in discovering your family's history. Genealogy can be a rewarding lifetime endeavor that enriches not only yourself but others. And genealogy is even more fun when you work together with other family members. Whether collaborating on a hard-to-find ancestor or sharing fun facts you've each identified, working together with family members on your genealogy is a wonderful experience.

    Consider the benefits your friends and family could have with a OneGreatFamily subscription:

    • View the ancestors who have been added to your family tree because of our unique matching and merging process
    • See all of your ancestors who are already part of OneGreatFamily
    • Meet and work with distant family around the world
    • See how you are related to your famous ancestors
    • View unlimited generations of your family tree at one time
    • Make new discoveries over time - new families and information are added daily
    • Access your Family Dashboard, a whole new way to explore your family tree

    Your friends and family members can experience the joys and benefits of collaborating with other genealogists from all over the globe in locating your ancestors and merging your own family tree with the world's first true global family tree - found at A gift subscription will be rewarding long after the holidays are over.

    Give Your Friends or Family A Gift Certificate to OneGreatFamily

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